BFF or NRF (Not Really Friends)? A Girls Guide to Happy Friendships!

Podpage Guest Information Form

**Podcast Guest Information Form**

Thank you for agreeing to be a guest on the "Grandparents Raising Grandchildren" podcast. Please complete the following form to help us prepare for your appearance.

**Personal Information**
1. **Full Name:**
2. **Preferred Name (if different):**
3. **Email Address:**
4. **Phone Number:**
5. **Mailing Address:**

**Professional Information**
6. **Current Title/Position:**
7. **Organization/Company:**
8. **Website:**
9. **LinkedIn Profile:**
10. **Other Social Media Profiles (please specify):**

**Background and Expertise**
11. **Brief Bio (150-200 words):**
12. **Relevant Experience and Expertise:**
13. **Publications (books, articles, etc.):**
14. **Previous Podcast or Media Appearances:**

**Podcast Details**
15. **Topic(s) You’d Like to Discuss:**
16. **Specific Insights or Stories You’d Like to Share:**
17. **Questions or Topics You’d Like Us to Avoid:**
18. **Special Equipment Needed (microphone, headset, etc.):**
19. **Preferred Date and Time for Recording:**

20. **Do you grant permission for this episode to be recorded and distributed across various platforms?**
   - Yes
   - No

21. **Do you grant permission for us to use your name, likeness, and biographical details in promotional materials?**
   - Yes
   - No

**Additional Information**
22. **Any Additional Comments or Information You’d Like to Provide:**

By signing below, you agree to participate in the "Grandparents Raising Grandchildren" podcast and consent to the recording and distribution of the episode.



Please return the completed form to at your earliest convenience. Thank you!